Friday, August 05, 2005

Hello yes. Hello yes, indeed. Who am I, you ask? Oh, you don't want to ask that, well what do you want to ask? If I know any jokes about the weather? Well, ok then. I know a few, I'm sorry if you've heard them all before.

Q) Why is summer always welcome but never as good as you're hoping it will be?

A) It's named after the popular actor, Tom Summer Cruise, who shares the same attributes of being welcome but only ever fair to middling!!! (This applies to all years, except for that one good year, nineteen-nighty magnolia.)

Q) Why is it really cold in winter?

A) The angle and position of the earth in relation to the sun means colder weather. Also, you're dying from pneumonia!!!!

Q) How come all snowflakes are different?

A) They want to stand out a bit man!!!!

Q) What's your favourite season, and for what reason?

A) Spring!!!!!

Q) What month do these crisps go out of date?

A) October! Or more specifically, the 22nd! Make sure you don't eat them after, you might get ill!!!!


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