Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Ahaha! The hello game there! Fell free to try it yourself sometime!

Now I post today with my experience. My experience in what, you ask?

Why are you asking me that? That's a very personal question you rude, rude boy. I will, however, answer it for you.

Trust. A deep subject I'm sure you'll agree, almost as deep as a very deep hole in fact. A very, very deep hole even. But any deeper and you'd just be being silly. What are you, a clown?

Many many years ago a man came up with a very good test of trust. Who, you ask? I don't know, I'm not doing any research, why don't you find out for yourself? Lazy.

Anyway this man came up with the test, whereby one person would stand, facing away from the second. That was a really poorly constructed sentence wasn't it? The second person would fall back, and rely upon only their trust in the first person to stop them from falling onto their precious, precious (fat) neck.

Unfortunately this was a little too complicated for some. My Dad misunderstood large chunks of it, starting off by landing me onto his knee -instantly breaking my back- before smashing me in the face repeatedly with a spade. At the time I felt more than a little annoyed, but looking back now I realise I had a lot of growing up to do.


At 7:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7:35 pm, Blogger Dogmonkey said...

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At 5:16 pm, Blogger Mark said...

You can delete any comments in your "box" by clicking the trashcan icon. Also, you can stop them quite effectively by turning on the "type letters in image" thing but this is super annoying.

At 5:21 pm, Blogger Dogmonkey said...

Ooh, cheers. It would seem I wasn't logged in properly.


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